Rhein-Plast is a company of Ringmetall SE, business area:


Provider in the sense of §5 TMG:

Rhein-Plast GmbH

represented by the managing director:
R. Carqueville

Altenbacher Str. 24-26
D – 67098 Bad Dürkheim

Reg.-Ger. Ludwigshafen/Rhein HRB 68011

Phone +49 63 22 7 98 – 0
Fax +49 63 22 7 98 – 117

VAT ID No.: DE 350 112 245


Responsible person in the sense of §5 TMG:
Rainer Carqueville
Altenbacher Str. 24-26
D – 67098 Bad Dürkheim
Phone (0 63 22) 7 98 – 0
Fax (0 63 22) 7 98 – 117

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